IT Technician

30 Years of Continuously Evolving Experience

Image of a software developer at a computer

My passion for IT has deep roots, born about 30 years ago when I received my first computer as a gift, a Vic20. From that moment on, programming ignited an unstoppable spark in me, pushing me to learn different programming languages for the pure pleasure of learning.

My journey continued with the assembly of my first personal computer, an enterprise at the time reserved for a few experts. The advent of easier-to-use components made assembly more accessible, but the fascination of creating a PC from scratch remains unequaled.

Throughout my career, I have become familiar with operating systems such as Windows, Linux and macOS, refusing to fossilize on a single platform. IT is a constantly evolving field, and what is fundamental today may not be tomorrow. Just think of the evolution of Windows, from 3.11 to the current 11, or of writing software like Word, radically changed in the last ten years.

I firmly believe in continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies. My flexibility and enthusiasm for innovation allow me to successfully face the most diverse IT challenges.

Services offered

  • Software programming
  • Website development
  • PC assembly
  • Technical support
  • IT consulting

Healthcare Assistant

Experience and Compassion at Your Service

For over 20 years I have been a caregiver for my parents, an experience that has taught me the value of care and compassion. In 2021 I decided to turn my dedication into a profession, obtaining the qualification of Healthcare Assistant.

Skills and Abilities

  • Home and residential care
  • Personal hygiene and comfort of the assisted person
  • Administration of medication and monitoring of vital parameters
  • Psychological and social support
  • Emergency management
  • Relational and communication skills

Personal Experience

My experience as a caregiver has allowed me to acquire a deep understanding of the needs of the elderly and frail. I have developed a strong ability to listen and empathize, which allows me to create a relationship of trust with my clients.

Why Choose Me

  • I am a qualified and reliable professional.
  • I offer a personalized and flexible service.
  • I am dedicated to the well-being of my clients.
  • I operate with discretion and respect.
Image of a healthcare assistant taking an elderly person's blood pressure